Published on Jan 10, 2023
My bud Jack, who has in his possession a copy of a 1925 school curriculum with the RATIFIED ORIGINAL 13TH AMENDMENT as part of the daily lesson...but I digress - he sent me this video, but as I do NOT have access to actual video processing software, I was unable to grab that data...but muh nu fren Paul Turner got my SIX:
New channel, so I'd sub and look for moar goodies to come
Bill Cooper, one of the top world's conspiracy researchers, predicted the 9/11 attacks nearly 3 months before they occurred, warning Americans that Osama bin Laden would be used as a "scapegoat" to justify the invasion of Afghanistan. Milton William "Bill" Cooper was best known for his 1991 book ' Behold a Pale Horse '.
Milton William "Bill" Cooper (May 6, 1943 - November 5, 2001) was an American truth revealer, radio broadcaster, and author known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse, in which he warned of multiple global conspiracies. Cooper also correctly described HIV/AIDS as a man-made disease.
As I hadn't planned on getting to post this, let VfB go off a wee bit
VfB had a personal correspondence with David McGowan - remember him?
Dave was the first man, to my recollection, who called out the events of September 11th as an utter (((psyop))); to my credit, I called it out at 10:00 AM that morning, as the first building disintegrated
No retraction 10 days later, like the utter HOT GARBAGE that was put out as NMTech chief official Van Romero was purported to having authored - despite it not having a single bit of the nuance of the original offering illustrated:
Van Romero stated that within a week or so of 9/11 he learned that the fireproofing, (SFRM -Sprayed Fire Resistive Material) was blown off by the jet impact, thereby exposing the steel to very hot fires which weakened the steel. He said, " beams, hot fire..."
Really? How did he learn this?
Sounds to me like he wanted to end the nagging phone calls about his earlier common sense observations.
How about it Van? Can you please tell us, where this SFRM failure evidence came from?
Van Romero talks about his 9/11 "Retraction"


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